This can lead to relatively minor characters such as Colleen Wing, Minn-Erva, Ghost, etc., outclassing much more well-known Marvel headliners such as Captain America and Spider-Man. As a mobile game, Power Creep is the norm, so the strength or usefulness of a character in gameplay terms is usually more correlated to how recently they've been released than to their relative power in the lore of Marvel Comics.In his game he's a Multiversal Conqueror and the Big Bad. Adaptational Badass: Ultimus in the comics was 'merely' a Kree Eternal and the last of his kind, eventually joining the Kree Star Force.Crossbones also blows himself up in his ultimate ability, referencing his Taking You with Me attempt in the Civil War movie, although in this game he actually survives the blast outside of very specific circumstances (although it does still damage him). Doom uses his Doombots this way when triggering his special as well. Action Bomb: Hela's Undead Asgardians do this as their special attack, and Dr.Jackson) declares that he has 'had it with all these snakes on this dimensional plane', a clear reference to Snakes on a Plane. Actor Allusion: During Mission 7-7 of the Nexus Campaign, Fury (based on his MCU appearance, who was played by Samuel L.Marvel Strike Force includes examples of.